(If you click on the photo's they will enlarge for a closer view)
This was a labor of love. When I found this Doom Buggy Haunted Hearse I thought it was so charming with the cute details and a little "Jack" skeleton driving off. I didn't have to give a second look. I wanted it for my "props" collection. I am very much a "props person." But as my mother would sometimes say, "you can't leave well enough alone". Below you will see the before picture.
Originally it was a dark shaded black. I didn't think the charming details would show well enough as there was no contrast in color. So I did several modifications to the details. Even though I loved the hearse the minute I saw it. My mind went immediately crazy with ideas to zhizz it up!
This year my daughter Alyssa carved and painted several pumpkins for me. I was so happy!
I painted both lit lanterns with a gold leaf spray paint, to pick up the other details I had painted gold on the hearse.
Using some jeweled spider rings to add some accents. I cut off the back of the ring so it would fit flush. Then painted the plastic rings gold with metallic craft paint and a small brush.
Inside the hearse you will see the casket. The metal flowers on top were originally black. I dry-brushed a combination of deep red and white paint on the flowers with a green and white paint on the leaves.
I used 3 dozen Spooky paper roses for the floral spray. Purchased from World Market. I have 3 stores within easy driving distance. Each store only carried one dozen. So I bought them out at each store. I would have liked to have 1 dozen more, but alas, World Market wasn't getting any more. I tied a bow in a black & white striped satin ribbon for the finishing touch. To brighten the color on the top railing I painted each little ball finial a metallic gold.
I used the same trim I had used around the curtains to make a circle with another spider ring to add some detail the the driver's seat. I just hot glued it on. My husband insisted that I leave the hot glue strings on to make the grands think they were spider webs.
I painted all the wheel spokes gold. To the hubcaps I added some detail and glued a golden skull. Again hubby wanted me to leave the hot glue strings on.
My little "Jack" wanted a brightly colored flower to attach to his hat. I also painted stripes on his jacket.
All of the skeleton's had a dry brush treatment of soft white paint. For "Jack" I dry brushed his arms, legs, feet, and ribs with the paint.
I wanted to show in this photo the detail on "the drapes". Originally solid black metal. I painted them a creamy white and added gray shading for the folds. Then I added decorative trim and tassels.
The Ghost Horse came from Pottery Barn a few years ago. I was able to buy it on a closeout. He looks amazing when hung outside with the gray gauze and the lights blowing in the wind.
Already taking flight for Halloween. Immediately after Halloween, I will pull the floral arrangement off the top and load it with presents. I am also going to use a faux pumpkin and cut a hole in the bottom to fit over "Jack's head. This will be my homage to "The Nightmare Before Christmas". I think this is the favorite movie of my granddaughter Lily. This darling is almost 3. Every time I see her she will say, "let's watch this is Halloween". That is her name for the movie.
Two of my granddaughter's were able to come over and get their photo taken with the hearse. My adorable 1 year old Hannah. She is the baby in the Cinderella carriage Cinderella Carriage Makeover.
Here is our almost 5 year old Genevieve. She has this amazing thick long hair. She really dressed the part. Love her costume that matches. She was in my photo's of the Cinderella Carriage as well. You can click on the photo for a larger view.
The hearse is a little over 6 feet long x 4 feet tall x 2.5 feet wide. I have seen some smaller versions on line. So now I think I got mine for a great price.
Thank you so much for looking at my blog post today. Feel free to leave a comment below. They are much appreciated.
Sharing with Dishing It & Digging It
Sharing with Metamorphosis Monday
Sharing with Celebrate Your Story
Sharing with The Scoop
Sharing with Between Naps on the Porch Tablescape Thursday

Wow! Just Wow! You Really are So Amazing! You are Thee Most Talented Woman Ever!!! I Love Everything and can't Believe how Wonderful Every Thing turned Out! How do you think of all that you Do!? Love It!!!
-Jaclyn <3
Valerie, you outdid yourself with this hearst. I love how you dressed it beautifully. So many wonderful details. I the makeover is fabulous. This is the cutest prop ever. You manage to always find the best piece.
You are amazing, as is your creation: Death's wagon. Thank you for sharing your eye for the macabre with all of us. ((Shivers running up and down my spine)).
"If you are a dreamer, come in." Shel Silverstein said it. You have drawn us in, again, with your beautiful imagination. Love the way you make the visions come alive.
That is an amazing transformation. I love how you highlighted with all the details that you added. So cute.
Holy hearse Valerie, this is incredible! I can't believe you found such a thing in the first place, but wow what you've done with it! Your attention to detail is outstanding, and going to 3 WMs for those flowers was worth it, they are spooky perfect! I can't believe your little granddaughter isn't scared by that movie! You will be having a lot of fun this Halloween!
The transformation in incredible! I love this, so much. I wish I could borrow it for my house.
That is amazing, I love the details you added!
Valerie, this hearse is amazing. You thought of every detail...great job! Pam @ Everyday Livng
This is absolutely over the top and I love it! I seen something similar to this over the week while shopping and my daughter gave me that look that says, "you have too much stuff already"! I'm so happy you added this to your collection it is very cool. Thank you for sharing with us this week at Celebrate Your Story, have a great week.
Hi where did you purchase it to begin with and how much was it ?
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